how regexplore works
After subscribing, a few few things are needed to get started:
1. Upload your Registrar list– We’ll need the list of your Registrars including name, country and a unique identifier.
2. Select components – Select which components of REGEXPLORE you’d like to subscribe to: the core registrations analysis dashboards, registrar price tracker, domain usage analysis and/or the geographic mapping.
3. Upload registration data – Upload the core registration data (tables 1 and 2 below) and any other tables based on component (domains list for domain usage component and/or postcode level data for the geographic maps).
4. Upload historic registration data – In order to allow for long-term trend analysis, historic data of tables 1 and 2 will be needed.
Once all this is done, you’ll be able to login successfully to interact with the dashboards and will start to receive the summary analysis emails each quarter
Sample data tables:
Date (Month/Year) | ID | Domains | Creates | Deletes | Renews |
01/2024 | Reg-101 | 540 | 150 | 20 | 130 |
01/2024 | Reg-202 | 540 | 200 | 30 | 170 |
01/2024 | Reg-606 | 540 | 250 | 25 | 225 |
02/2024 | Reg-101 | 600 | 180 | 15 | 165 |
02/2024 | Reg-202 | 620 | 210 | 35 | 175 |
02/2024 | Reg-606 | 580 | 190 | 20 | 170 |
Date (Month/Year) | Registrar ID (Incoming) | Registrar ID (Outgoing) | Total Transfers |
01/2024 | Reg-101 | Reg-202 | 50 |
02/2024 | Reg-303 | Reg-404 | 75 |
03/2024 | Reg-505 | Reg-606 | 60 |
Domain names
Domain Name |
domain1.tld |
domain2.tld |
domain3.tld |
Below are definitions of most of the data required for REGEXPLORE. Definitions are based on the work of the RRDG (Registry-Registrar Data Group) which formed to develop them.
Table 1 | Registrations
Domains refers to a domain name that has been assigned to a registrant in the registry database. The value supplied should be total domains of the corresponding registrar ID at the beginning of the month.
Creates (new registration) refers to when a domain name is successfully registered via a create request. The value supplied should be the total creates over the course of the corresponding month/year per registrar ID.
Deletes refers to when a domain name is actively deleted with a delete request. It may also mean a ‘release’ which is when a domain name transitions from pending release and becomes available for registration again. The value supplied should be the total deletes (or releases) over the course of the corresponding month/year per registrar ID.
Renews refers to when a registered domain name has its registration period extended (either explicitly or implicitly). The value supplied should be total renews over the course of the corresponding month/year per registrar ID.
Table 2 | Registrar transfers
Transfers refers to when a domain name transfers from one registrar to another. The value supplied should be the total transfers between the two registrar IDs over the course of the corresponding month/year.
Table 3 | Domain list (optional)
Random sample of active domains (max 50K) from your zonefile.
Table 4 | Domains by postcode (optional)
Total domains by postcode will allow the interactive map to function.
Additional (once-off) data
- List of registrar names and unique IDs
- Historical registrations (all registrations and transfers based on above metrics) as far back as you like
How to upload data
Data can be uploaded using the data file upload tool inside the platform. Alternatively, we have a JSON schema available if you prefer to provide data that way. Place your JSON file on an URL we can access and it will be read automatically each month. Whitelisting is OK.